Request a New Supplier

If you need to make a purchase, you can likely find a supplier who suits your needs and is already in the MIT systems by checking Supplier Search

If you didn’t find what you’re looking for on Supplier Search, you can request a new supplier by following the steps below.

Check Supplier Search Before You Make a New Request

Supplier Search has a large variety of suppliers to choose from who can offer a range of goods, services, and accommodations, including those with discounted rates, small and diverse businesses, and those with sustainable practices.

Search Now

Requesting a New Supplier

  1. From the Buy-to-Pay homepage, click the Write A Request button, located next to the search bar, to display the freeform fields.
  2. In the Supplier field, type the supplier’s name.
    1. If the supplier’s information populates in the drop-down menu, you do not need to proceed with the following steps. The supplier is already in use at MIT and set up in MIT systems.
    2. If the menu shows "No results found," hit "Cancel" then select "Forms.
  3. Select New Domestic or New International and select Start Process. For a new independent contractor, see below. 
  4. When the form pops up, enter the contact information for the new supplier and complete all required fields.
  5. When you have finished entering information, select Review.
    1. Buy-to-Pay will perform a duplicate check to ensure that the supplier you are entering does not already exist in Buy-to-Pay. If a duplicate is found, select Delete to abandon the form. Use the existing supplier to create your requisition.
    2. If no duplicates are found, review the information again to ensure accuracy, then press Submit.

Once your request for a new supplier has been entered successfully, the supplier will receive an email from Buy-to-Pay and be asked to join the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP).

Working with a New Supplier

  1. Before you can complete a requisition with the new supplier, they must complete their MIT profile in Coupa. 
  2. The supplier’s registration is complete when you see Applied under Domestic Supplier Registration in your Recent Activity block.
  3. If, after 48 hours, the Domestic Supplier Registration is still listed as New, you should reach out to your supplier directly to ensure they have completed their MIT profile in Coupa.
  4. When the profile is complete, you may start a new requisition or continue a draft requisition with that supplier.

Hiring an Independent Contractor

If you are looking to hire an independent contractor (IC)—an individual to perform services working on his/her own behalf rather than for a company—he/she will need to complete MIT's Independent Contractor review process


VPF Buying and Paying 6.06

See Buying and Paying Policies, Section 6.06 for VPF's policy on hiring independent contractors.

  1. To request a new Independent Contractor be added to Buy-to-Pay, click on the Forms drop-down menu on your B2P homepage and select New Indep Contractor.
  2. You will be routed to a form that will ask for the Independent Contractor’s contact information, as well as a series of questions about the nature of the Independent Contractor’s work with MIT. VPF Accounts Payable will review the answers to these questions to determine whether the person qualifies as an Independent Contractor.
  3. After successful review, the Independent Contractor receive an email from B2P and asked to join the Coupa Supplier Portal. They will be asked to enter complete business information, including their tax information, to be added as an MIT supplier. Your request for a new Independent Contractor will appear in your Recent Activity block on your B2P home page.

You will not be able to complete a requisition with the new Independent Contractor until the contractor has completed his/her profile. If you have B2P notifications active, you will receive an email when the supplier has been successfully onboarded. If, after 48 hours, the supplier is still not visible while creating a requisition, you should reach out to your supplier directly to ensure they have completed their Coupa Supplier Portal profile. With the profile complete, you may start a new requisition or complete a draft requisition with that supplier.